A farming life is a healthy life. The urban lifestyle means long commutes and hours sitting, oftentimes at a computer. These both cause stress and tension in the body. Continue reading

A farming life is a healthy life. The urban lifestyle means long commutes and hours sitting, oftentimes at a computer. These both cause stress and tension in the body. Continue reading
The summer days that I spent on my grandmother’s farm were some of the best days of my young life. No TV or video games, just green grass, fresh air and sunshine. Collecting eggs from the chicken coop was always an adventure. You had to be a little stealthy and quick because the rooster could be a bit mean. We helped my grandmother and mom plant the garden in the early spring and when the time came we would help pick the ripened vegetables. Well to be fair, we probably ate more than we actually put into our basket. To this day I believe that there is nothing that tastes better than freshly picked sweet peas. Our days were filled with exploring my grandmother’s acreage, playing with the baby ducks, horse and dog. Our meals consisted of freshly killed and then roasted chicken, farm fresh eggs for breakfast and delicious garden vegetables. We didn’t need a grocery store and we knew where all of our food came from. If you have ever thought about your children experiencing a life spent outdoors, learning the benefits of hard work and learning to respect all living creatures, then perhaps farm life is for you. Continue reading
Whether you’re a farmer in Virginia or elsewhere in the US, hemp is becoming increasingly profitable across the country as it becomes easier for farmers to legally grow. Industrial hemp has so many uses, and more and more uses are being discovered regularly as increased legalization efforts make research easier. From textiles to bioplastics to a new plant-based source of protein, hemp is an amazing plant that has all kinds of uses – and an incredibly high demand! Virginia farmers looking to diversify their crops and break into new markets should consider whether their land is suitable for planting industrial hemp. Virginia’s moderate climate is ideal for hemp farming, so consider whether your farm would benefit from planting the market’s newest cash crop! Continue reading
As technology improves (and lowers in price) each year, more and more agricultural problems can be solved by adopting a new digital technology. For farmers, new technology can make their farm safer and more efficient with less work on their part. Many farmers are embracing technology that gives them data to make better decisions that make their farms more profitable and sustainable. The number of new digital products and services available can be overwhelming, so here are two of the top tried-and-true recommendations from Virginia farmers. Continue reading
As a child, I think Easter was probably my favorite holiday. No, I didn’t receive presents like I did on Christmas morning. No, I didn’t get a bagful of candy after trick or treating in several nearby neighborhoods. Continue reading
Virginia’s soil and temperate climate are ideal for growing wine grapes, but since Virginia’s wine industry has taken off in local years, local wineries can’t seem to get enough fruit! Many farmers in Virginia looking for financial security are transitioning to growing wine grapes since the demand is only going to grow in the next few years. Wineries generally buy grapes by the ton, so farmers can easily sell off their entire harvest to a single buyer. Whether you’re considering buying a farm in Virginia for the first time or transitioning your current farm to wine grapes, consider this advice on finding the right winery to sell to and how to pick the best wine grape varieties for your farm. Continue reading