Category Archives: Farm News

  • Tips for First Time Farm Buyers

    Buying the Right Virginia Farm: Tips for First-Time Buyers

    Buying a farm in Virginia is an exciting and fulfilling process, but it can also be overwhelming, especially for first-time buyers. The process of buying a farm involves many steps, from finding the right property to securing financing and completing the sale. In this article, we’ll outline the process of buying a farm in Virginia and provide tips for first-time buyers to help ensure a smooth and successful transaction. Continue reading

  • What to do with Wineberries?

    What Are Wineberries?

    Similar in appearance to its relatives, blackberries and raspberries, wineberries run rampant across much of Virginia. They are easily found in Virginia along roadsides and hiking trails, in thickets and meadows and may already be firmly established on your farm. Also called a wine raspberry, their canes have reddish hairs and small thorns that produce an edible red fruit with a glossy sheen smaller than a raspberry that packs a delicious sweet and tart flavor. Chances are you’ve run across them time and again, possibly without realizing. My kids love to spend hours picking and snacking on them during summer hikes. Continue reading

  • How To Start A Microgreens Farm

    You have dreams of waking up early on your very own Virginia farm to work in your gorgeous garden but you worry that your farm is too small. Don’t worry. You don’t have to have acres and acres of planted fields to have a profitable garden on your farm. Microgreens have become extremely popular in recent years popping up in restaurants and health food stores across America. A microgreens farming business is definitely within the realm of possibility for you. A farm of this type is relatively easy to start and maintain and is a highly lucrative business.  They are easy to grow and don’t take a lot of space or require a lot of effort to get started. Read on to learn how you can start a microgreens farm of your own.  Continue reading

  • Unique Interactive Virginia Farms 

    Dreaming of living the farm life and looking at Virginia Farms for sale? You could choose to begin one of Virginia’s top earning farms such as raising chickens or growing crops, namely tobacco and soybeans but if you want to try something different keep reading to discover 5 out of the box farming ideas for you to begin your new life on your Virginia Farm.  Continue reading

  • Why You Should Start a Small Farm and 4 Profitable Small Farm Ideas

    What is a small farm

    According to the USDA, a small farm is defined as either a commercial or non commercial farm whose gross profits are less than $250,000 per year. Small farms make up more than 90% of all farms in the United States. Whether the dream is a profitable small farm or a micro farm side hustle, there is a style of farming that is right for you. Below you we discover 4 ways that you could start making money farming now.  Continue reading

  • How to Winterize your Virginia Farm

    Winter is almost here and it is time to ensure that your Virginia Farm is ready to take on the colder months. Although Virginia winters tend to be milder than some states on the East Coast it is a good idea to prepare for the worst and not need it. Just like your home and your wardrobe, the change in season calls for some upkeep to ensure that everything will run smoothly and animals will be healthy come spring. Make sure that you check the following to keep the farm running at it’s best.  Continue reading